The project "Path for the conservation of the Vama Veche -2 Mai Marine Reserve" started from a disturbing reality: the human intervention in the Vama Veche - 2 Mai nature reserve (Natura 2000 site - ROSCI0269), intervention with the most devastating effects on the conservation of the plants and animals species in the area. Intensely visited by tourists, but also by locals, the area was in danger of becoming the favorite place to dispose of waste.
In order to limit this aspect and to make the message easier to reach the public, two characters were created: the God of Neptune and the rocker Matei, whose advice helped the tourists to have a responsible behavior on the beach and in the water. Their tips were included in a responsible tourist guide.
The project focused on raising the level of awareness of the local community regarding the biological, ecological, aesthetic, cultural and economic value of biodiversity. Within the project, an interpretive route was realized and 5 panels were installed in order to guide the tourists and to offer them the opportunity to observe the flora and fauna on the shore. Next, workshops and trips were organized to promote the image of the reservation at the local community level.
The outcome? The god Neptun and Matei, the eco rocker managed to save the habitats and marine species from the Vama Veche- 2 Mai nature reserve.