The Courage to undertake every activity that we implement and to come up with “out of the box” activities, many times uncomfortable for the decision-makers.
Integrity – without it we would have never been able to achieve our strategic objectives.
Professionalism – Quality, before everything. For over 20 years, the issues we approach respect this vital principle, which defines our team of specialists.
Efficiency – A value we acquired over time, based on the experience.
Mission and vision
We have a beautiful dream, which we have translated into the boldest Vision: An environment of responsible communities which contributes to preservation and sustainable use of resources, in order to increase the quality of life and biodiversity conservation. However, before this dream is achieved, we have a MISSION to accomplish: to make the community more responsible by changing the mentality, in order to increase the respect towards the environement and implement solutions to ensure the conservation of the Romanian Coastal Zone and the Black Sea resources.

Misiune și Viziune
Avem un vis frumos, pe care l-am transpus în cea mai îndrăzneață VIZIUNE: Un mediu al comunităţilor responsabile care contribuie la conservarea şi utilizarea durabilă a resurselor în scopul creşterii calităţii vieţii şi păstrării diversităţii biologice. Dar până la a ne atinge visul, avem o MISIUNE de îndeplinit: Să responsabilizăm comunitatea prin schimbarea mentalităţilor, în vederea creşterii respectului faţă de mediu şi aplicarea de soluţii care să asigure conservarea zonei costiere româneşti şi a resurselor Mării Negre.