The success of Mare Nostrum is the success of the team: we are enthusiastic and dedicated to the mission of Mare Nostrum and we invite you to know us better.

Executive Director Mare Nostrum NGO
He participated in national and international projects, being a member of the ACCOBAMS Scientific Committee as regional representative for the Black Sea. He is a team leader in European projects and has gained relevant experience in project management and coordination during his 11 years of activity as a specialist. He holds a degree in ecology and environmental protection, with a master's degree in Environmental Impact Management. He is currently pursuing a PhD in Biology. He is doing his best to grow the Mare Nostrum family through novel initiatives and constant involvement in the development of he NGO. Focused on results and consistency, Marian Paiu has perfected the study of marine mammals and focused his attention on topics related to the conservation of the Black Sea ecosystem, marine litter, education for sustainable development.

Project Manager
She has a bachelor’s degree in Geography and she deepend her knowledge for three more years, during her master’s degree studies, on the theme “Sustainable development in the coastal area and eco-touristic value of the seashore area”. She is involved in writing and implementing projects regarding protected areas, waste management and activities dedicated to marine biodiversity. She is permanently preoccupied with education for sustainable development and raising awareness among tourists regarding different environmental issues.

Public Events Coordinator, Project Coordinator
She’s a Biology and Biodiversity Conservation graduate; she loves the environment and wishes respect for it from everybody. For over 5 years, she is in charge of organizing public events, aimed to inform and educate people in order to respect the environment; she strongly believes that only through education and we can protect the environment. She was involved in projects that targeted different areas, such as education or marine litter, but with the same purpose: a cleaner environment!

Coordinator of Education for Sustainable Development Department
She is a psychologist that loves people and the environment. Mare Nostrum opened for her new horizons related to the fascinating world of education for sustainable development, but also to environmental psychology. Since 2007, she has worked with over 600 volunteers, more than 120 educational institutions, almost 1000 teachers and thousands of students, in different projects, public events, and campaigns. She loves what she does and strongly believes that education is the base of society and of change, for a better world.

PR Specialist
She has over 10 years of experience in written press, TV and Public Relations, both locally and nationally. The experience she accumulated in the media makes her easily transmit the message of the organisation to the target group. She has out of the box ideas and develops communication strategies, meant to accentuate the organisational brand attributes.

Financial / accounting expert
She worked for 10 years in the banking system and after that she specialized in financial management (4 years) and financial analysis (7 years). The experience she accumulated is applied in Mare Nostrum, being involved together with her colleagues in accomplishing the vision of the organisation.

Coordinator Biodiversity Conservation Department
He graduated from the Natural Sciences and Agricultural Sciences Faculty, being specialized in biology. During his bachelor’s degree studies he was focused on studying the vertebrates from Dobrogea region. Later, he studied Biodiversity Conservation, for his master’s degree, and during the last semester of his studies he focused on the cetaceans of the Black Sea. He participated in the first training dedicated exclusively to the cetaceans of the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea. Currently, his activity in the organisation is related to cetacean conservation and monitoring.